2013-04-01 17.13.17

I am a Jeweller/ Designer/ Maker/ Creative currently studying Jewellery & Metalwork at Duncan of Jordanston College of Art & Design in Dundee, Scotland.

I am  in my third year and dedicated to pushing my limits in gaining as much knowledge  as possible and developing my skills in the workshop. I am fascinated by the stories behind pieces of jewellery and I would like to be part of creating new ones whilst combining traditional and contemporary techniques. I am interested in the narratives behind pieces and how these differ from person to person and combining these stories with my jewellery to create updated versions of old fashioned objects based on these stories. I am interested in creating simple yet beautiful pieces which have a connection to the individual they will belong to.

2 Responses to “”
  1. Holly says:

    Your website looks fab! I still have the lovely bracelet you made me! xxx

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